Fortschritte bei der Prüftechnik für GIL und GIS Prüfungen

Dipl.-Ing. Enrico Bilinski studierte Elektrotechnik an der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz. Bei HIGHVOLT verantwortet er das Design von gas- und ölisolierten Hochspannungsdrosseln und Prüftransformatoren. Ferner ist er für die Systemberechnung von AC-Prüfanlagen verantwortlich. Herr Bilinski ist Projektleiter diverser Entwicklungsprojekte, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Hochspannungserzeugern liegt. Er arbeitet im DKE Gremium 321.2 „Transformatoren, Leistungen und Abmessungen“ mit.

Progress in testing technology for gas-insulated transmission lines (GIL) and gas-insulated switchgear (GIS)

Ever increasing demands for electrical energy and the need to transmit and distribute electrical energy with the smallest possible space requirement, leads to increasingly powerful gas-insulated transmission lines with ever increasing operating voltages. The development of suitable high-voltage testing equipment has to keep pace with the requirements of both manufacturers and operators of gas-insulated transmission equipment. This paper gives an overview of the roadmap in the development of high-voltage testing equipment for gas-insulated components and systems. Suitable test systems, based on transformers and reactors, for factory tests as well as for on-site testing, are introduced and explained in detail.