Herausforderungen beim Design von Hochspannungssystemen für PQ-Prüfungen von HVDC-Kabeln
Dipl.-Ing. Eric Meissner absolvierte ein Studium in Elektroenergietechnik an der Berufsakademie in Bautzen. An der TU Dresden setzte er sein Studium fort und schloss dieses 2016 in der Vertiefung „Elektrischer Maschinen“ ab. Fortan war er in der Auslegung von Leistungstransformatoren bei Siemens Energy im Transformatoren-Werk Dresden tätig. Seit 2020 unterstützt er HIGHVOLT bei der Auslegung von Hochspannungsprüfsystemen im Team Transformatoren und Generatoren.
Challenges of the design of high voltage test systems for the pre-qualification of HVDC cables
The energy transition requires ever longer transmission lines with decreasing acceptance for overhead lines. That is why the installation of DC cable systems is increasingly used. For this, new cable designs have to be developed in order to meet the higher power requirements per system by higher transmission voltages. Before such new cable designs can be produced, they must go through a 12-month pre-qualification test. This is to ensure that the design of the cable and the applied manufacturing processes work properly. In the foreseeable future, this will affect DC cables with operating voltages of 525 kV, 640 kV and 800 kV. These new voltage levels not only pose new challenges for the cable, but also for the design of the high voltage (HV) testing components, newly developed for this purpose. These HV components not only have to withstand the stresses in the individual tests. They also have to cope with stresses by various superimposed voltage shapes in interaction as a complex test system. This publication presents both the individual key components and two alternative solutions for a complete test system. In addition to the HV generators, a DC high-current source is also shown. Furthermore, protective elements are discussed.