Was bedeutet Industrie 4.0 für Prüfanlagen und Diagnosegeräte online und offline?
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Baronick studierte von 1982 bis 1987 Hochspannungstechnik an der Technischen Universität Dresden und begann danach seine Arbeit im Bereich Steuerungen des Transformatoren- und Röntgenwerkes Dresden (TuR). Er war über 25 Jahre als Teamleiter verantwortlich für das Team Steuerungen der HIGHVOLT. Seit 1.11.2018 ist er Leiter des Teams Automatisierung.
What does industry 4.0 mean for online and offline test systems and diagnostic equipment?
The author is quite critical of the term "Industry 4.0" and the often cited 4th Industrial Revolution. The formulation of "a second phase of digitization" used by industrial researcher Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen seems to make more sense. As a rule, revolutions do not take place on a specific date; they have various causes, such as the increasing frequency of conflicts. This accumulation occasionally leads to a change in quality on a certain occasion. As a rule, the point in time for the revolution can only be precisely determined in retrospect. Irrespective of the choice of the term, the potential and effects of this "revolution" are undisputed both for manufacturers of high-voltage test and measurement equipment and for their customers. This article attempts to describe the potential of the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution for manufacturers and customers from the point of view of a test system manufacturer.