Qualifizierungsprüfungen von HS DC extrudierten Kabeln
Dr.-Ing. Christian Frohne promovierte 1998 an der Leibniz Universität Hannover auf dem Gebiet der elektrischen Großmaschinen. In der Kabelindustrie arbeitete er zunächst im Bereich der Entwicklung von Produktionsanlagen und wechselte 2004 in die Entwicklung von supraleitenden Kabelsystemen/kryogenen Anlagen. Ab 2011 führte er die Entwicklung der extrudierten Hochspannungs-Gleichstromkabel bei Nexans. 2017 übernahm er die technische Leitung der Hochspannung Landkabel. Seit 2018 – nach Zu- sammenschluss der Hochspannung Land- und Seekabel – ist er der stellvertretende technische Leiter des Bereiches Submarine and Land Systems.
Qualification test procedures for HVDC extruded cable systems
CIGRE published in 2003 the TB219 [2] with test recommendations for extruded HVDC cables up to 250kV. This document was used as a reference for qualification of HVDC extruded cable systems. In 2012 the technical brochure TB219 was replaced by TB496 [1], where the scope was extended to volt- ages up to 500kV. The main test philosophy remained the same and was then taken as the base for the creation of IEC 62895 [3], which is the first international standard for testing of HVDC extruded cable systems. The spirit of the test procedure of all three documents is a system test under well controlled conditions to verify the performance under different load cases simulating the real application. Main parameters are the applied voltage, the operating temperature and the temperature gradient across the insulation during operating condition. In test conditions, it is difficult to meet all these parameters with just one test setup. For that reason in real test setups, the temperature gradient and the heating current often exceed the nominal values. The test remains valid as long as the test parameters are equal or more severe than the specified values. Since the time of the first CIGRE technical brochure, the tech- nical community has gained relevant new experiences, which will influence the standardization work of future In this paper it is shown, what are the assumptions, under which the actual test conditions are specified, and where coming standards might require different or additional test conditions.