Analyse von Kabelstrecken durch Modellierung ihrer Transferfunktionen

Christian Kleiner studierte Elektrotechnik an der TU Dresden und erhielt seinen Abschluss im Jahre 2017. Aktuell ist er Doktorand an der TU Dresden und arbeitet unter der Betreuung von Peter Birkholz im Bereich der Sprachtechnologie und der digitalen Signalverarbeitung.

Analysis of cable systems by modelling their transfer functions

An extended method for on-line transfer function measurement of cable systems with discontinuities was validated under conditions close to practice. The method allowed to precisely synthesize measured impulse responses of a test cable system. It furthermore allowed to estimate the spectral characteristics of single components, such as the transfer function of one specific cable or the reflection coefficient of one specific joint. Due to these and other advantages, which are of particular interest for a convenient and cost-effective application in the field, the proposed method could be a powerful tool for global and local condition monitoring of cable systems.