Herausforderungen und technische Innovationen im deutschen Übertragungsnetz AC und DC on- und offshore
Dr.-Ing. Florian Martin studierte von 1997 bis 2003 an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) die Schwerpunkte: Hochspannungstechnik, Energie und Anlagentechnik. Von 2003 bis 2008 erfolgte die Promotion an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) zum Thema „Hochspannungsprüfsystem auf Basis leistungselektronischer Frequenzkonverter“. Seit 2008 ist er bei der TenneT TSO GmbH (vormals E.ON Netz) in unterschiedlichen Positionen tätig, seit 2014 als Manager im Asset Management/Systemtechnik.
Challenges and innovations in the German transmission grid AC and DC onshore and offshore
At present Germany faces the challenge to implement the energy transition ‘Energiewende‘ which in detail means to shape the grid for transmission of vast amount of renewable energy. Fossile and nuclear power plants will be terminated and wind as well as solar power generation will play an important role in the near future. Unfortunately, environmentally friendly power plants are not located where they are needed: for this reason the transmission grid faces new challenges in order to cope with the changing requirements and to fulfill the goals of the stakeholders. As a matter of fact TSO’s must implement technical innovations in shorter time frames keeping the reliability of the grid in mind: this will be paralleled with higher load capabilities of the existing network grace to innovative monitoring systems. But also the investment of new lines and transmission corridors is on the agenda.