Lösbare stromführende Verbindung für Prüfaufbauten mit Milliken-Leitern

PD Dr.-Ing. Stephan Schlegel promovierte 2011 im Bereich Elektrotechnik an der TU Dresden. 2008 wurde er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Elektrische Energieversorgung und Hochspannungstechnik der TU Dresden. Im Jahre 2012 wurde er dort zum Leiter der Gruppe „Elektrische Kontakte und Verbindungen“ ernannt. Seit 2020 ist er kommissarischer Leiter der Professur für Hochspannungs- und Hochstromtechnik an der TU Dresden.

Detachable current-carrying connection for test setups with Milliken conductors

In some dielectric tests of cables with large crosssections up to several thousand square millimeters, the conductor must be preheated to a specific temperature by current flow. For this purpose, a current of several thousand amperes must be fed into the conductor for the duration of the test. In order to achieve this, a detachable current-carrying connection is required, which ensures a stable electrical contact and long-term behavior during the test. A contact system was therefore developed to establish the electrical contact to the Milliken conductor on the face side. This is necessary in order to feed the current evenly to the individual strands of the conductor, as these are insulated against each other. The paper presents the patented contact system and the connection geometry as well as the results of a functional temperature-rise test in the laboratory.