Entwicklung einer modularen Hochleistungsprüfschaltung für Komponenten zukünftiger Gleichstromnetze
Nils Langenberg studierte Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens mit Fachrichtung elektrische Energietechnik an der RWTH Aachen University. Das Studium schloss er mit den akademischen Graden B.Sc. bzw. M.Sc. in den Jahren 2016 und 2018 ab. Seit April 2018 ist er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Hochspannungstechnik (IFHT) der RWTH Aachen University mit Promotionsziel angestellt. Seine Forschungsinhalte umfassen Primärtechnik und Diagnostik mit Fokus auf Untersuchungen elektrischer Betriebsmittel und Schaltanlagen zukünftiger Gleichstromsysteme.
Development of a modular high power test setup for components of future DC grids
High voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission is widely identified as one possible technology to implement the necessary change in the transmission grid infrastructure to cope with future energy de- mands. This poses new complex operational challenges for the equipment and components of future grids. Regarding this, technically proven equipment from the alternating current (AC) technology cannot be used for DC applications. Such components include switching elements, fault current limiting elements as well as measurement equipment. Similarly, conventional test circuits and facilities are only suitable to a limited extent to reproduce and simulate prospective DC fault currents. The result is a growing necessity for research and development to ensure the functionality of DC systems in nominal operation as well as during the occurrence of faults. For this reason, the Institute for High Voltage Technology at RWTH Aachen University develops and implements a novel high-power test circuit for investigations on DC equipment. Due to different requirements and stresses on the components during nominal operation and in the event of a fault, a two-level approach is taken to implement a global testing environment. For nominal and overload scenarios a high-current source (5 kADC, 120 kW) is used to investigate the thermal load capacity of electrical devices in continuous operation. To reproduce a prospective DC fault current on the other hand, a modular high-power source based on the principle functionality of a power electronic buck converter is designed. This source is capable of generating high DC fault currents derived from grid simulations or field measurements as well as arbitrary monopolar test current waveforms such as mathematical functions. Test current amplitudes of up to 30 kA, a maximum test circuit energy of 1.92 MJ and a driving voltage of 8 kV provide for realistic investigations on components of future DC grids. This paper gives an overview of the basic requirements for such a novel high- power test circuit and introduces its principle of operation. In addition, possible areas of application and research possibilities for equipment of future DC grids are outlined.